Nina Talbot

Painter - Writer
painting, Janowska Road/Lwów (L’viv), by Nina Talbot
Janowska Road/Lwów (L’viv), oil on linen, 24 x 18 inches

Places in Galicia

Janowska Road/Lwów (L’viv)

“The bones of the Jews lie in the dunes of Lvov and its environs, in the crematoria of Bełżec, in the forests and along the roads of Galicia. Their remains decomposed in the killing pits that were excavated alongside every city, town and slave labor camp.”

-From “Smoke and Sand; The Jews of Lvov”, by Eliyahu Yones, pg. 255

My cousin Max Distenfeld perished at the age of 17 at Janowska.