Nina Talbot

Painter - Writer


painting, Ożoga Street by Nina Talbot
Ożoga Street, 2023, oil on linen, 12 x 14 inches


Sunday, July 14, 2024
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Holocaust Memorial & Tolerance Center of Nassau County
100 Crescent Beach Road
Glen Cove, NY, 11542
United States

» More info and RSVP to the opening

Jurek’s Dream of the Jasło Synagogue on Fire, painting by Nina Talbot
Jurek’s Dream of the Jasło Synagogue on Fire

Painting Commission:
Jurek’s Dream of the Jasło Synagogue on Fire

My friend Jurek Ruchinski dreamt about the magnificent Jasło synagogue bestially burned and demolished. From the Jasło yizkor book, it is written, “Blessed are those that managed to see the building in its full splendor as it dominated the city skyline. Many people including Christians came to see the building and appreciate its beauty. Unfortunately, the Nazis blew up the building in 1939 and destroyed the Jewish community.”
» Read feature article

Cover Dynowinka January/March
Dynowinka feature, January/March issue
(click for a larger view and continuing pages)

January - March issue of Dynowinka,
"Nina Talbot Once Again in Dynów"

» Read English translation

Presentation in Poland of the book The Past is the Present.
Presentation in Poland of the book The Past is the Present, by Nina Talbot

Rzeszów TV

Coverage of Talbot's presentation, "The Past is the Present" in Dynów, January 30, 2023

Rzeszów Radio & Report:
Obchody Dnia Pamięci o Ofiarach Holokaustu w Dynowie

W Dynowie odbyły się kolejne na Podkarpaciu uroczystości związane z obchodami XV Dnia Pamięci o Ofiarach Holokaustu. Otwarto wystawę wyjątkowych obrazów, a młodzież z Liceum Ogólnokształcącego w Dynowie uświetniła uroczystości montażem słowno-muzycznym.

Wystawa obrazów Niny Talbot, nowojorskiej malarki, która pochodzi z Dynowa, a której naziści wymordowali 38 członków rodziny, jest wyjątkowym wydarzeniem. Jeszcze dobitniej rozumiemy dzięki nim, że musimy pamiętać, iż nienawiść do drugiego człowieka prowadzi do ludobójstwa. Nie możemy do tego dopuścić

– powiedział prof. Wacław Wierzbieniec z Zakładu Historii i Kultury Żydów z Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.

Obchody Dnia Pamięci o Ofiarach Holokaustu przypadają w rocznicę wyzwolenia obozu koncentracyjnego Auschwitz-Birkenau 27 stycznia 1945 roku. Na Podkarpaciu odbywają się w 24 miejscowościach i potrwają do 3 lutego.

Relacja Szymona Tarandy

fot. Szymon Taranda

book cover for The Past is the Present
The Past is the Present, by Nina Talbot

Book: The Past is the Present

The Past is the Present is the third in a trilogy of books published by artist Nina Talbot that shares the continuing journey of her genealogical discoveries. This book features articles published in various periodicals that are written by, or about Talbot and that expand and elucidate her search for her heritage. Talbot's Dynów mural and her painting series, Places in Galicia are showcased.

» Available on Amazon

painting of Reverand James Blakely by Nina Talbot.
Painting of Rev. James Blakely by Nina Talbot

2021 Veterans Day Event:
Maya Contreras, Verterans Day 2021.

Thursday, November 11th from 5-7pm

This Veterans Day join members of Black Veterans for Socila Justice and Verterans' of Monroe College as we honor Veteran Wilfredo Hernandez.

Mr. Hernandez is the Veterans Coordinator at Monroe College and Veterans Housing Specialist.

Congressional Candidate Maya Contreras will host a discussion with artist Nina Talbot about her portrait series on Veterans.


Mables Banquet Hall, logo.

Dynowinka Journal graphic

PUBLICATION: Dynowinka, Summer 2021, A Valentine for Dynów, pages 18-20

In September of 2013 my life changed forever when I made my first trip to Dynów, where my grandmother Bella Neger came from.

Not only did this trip define who I have become, but it also put a finger on a pivotal time in history that wiped out a third of Dynów’s population – the Jewish population in 1939 – when the Nazis invaded.

My grandmother Bella told me of her childhood in this magical setting where she lived with her parents Abraham and Taube and her seven brothers and sisters at 1 Lazienna Street. She told me about the fragrant lilacs, picking mushrooms and mulberries (maliny) in the forest and jumping rope down her street with her friends.... continue reading (English translation of the article)

» Read the article in Polish

Dynowinka Journal graphic

PUBLICATION: Dynowinka, March 2021, Dynowians Remember

January 27, 2021, Wednesday, a snowy day and another anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. It is also another International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Holocaust in the Podkarpacie region. This time, the form of the observance is modest, but celebrated as usual with dignity and due reverie.

We came to the cemetery in Karolówka: I, Prof. Joanna Duda, Ms. Ewa Czyżowska, Mr. Jerzy Warchoł and the youth gathered around her and participated in the project about Jewish inhabitants of Dynow.

It is here, in 1940, thanks to the efforts of the Krosno Jewish community, the bodies of the bestially murdered Jewish inhabitants of Dynów were buried in a mass grave. It has been over 80 years since the Nazi death squads (Einsatzgruppen), in accordance to Reinhardt Haydrich's Plan I, murdered... continue reading (English translation of the article)

» Read the article in Polish

Member Gallery Talk at Museum of Jewish Heritage: A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, November 23, 2020 at 4pm.

Nina Talbot – Member Gallery Talk at Museum of Jewish Heritage: A Living Memorial to the Holocaust

“In this new series designed just for members, explore highlights of the Museum collection coupled with a live Q & A. Members will have the opportunity to join us monthly on Zoom to learn about and discuss these fascinating works.

“For our next installment, go behind-the-scenes with Gallery Educator Nina Talbot, author of Faces of Dynów and Family Stories From Galicia, for a closer look at the Schachter family tree and related photographs from the Museum collection. Nina uses genealogy to uncover fascinating family history and connect stories across generations.”

From the Flemington Jewish Community Center (, a feature presentation: Family Stories From Galicia, by Nina Talbot.

» View the zoom video

Nina Talbot's most recent painting series is entitled Faces of Dynów. It documents the lives of Nina's relatives, historic rabbis and current townspeople from her maternal ancestral town of Dynów, which is in Galicia, a province of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire, now part of Poland and Western Ukraine. The paintings reflect Jewish life before, during and after the Holocaust. 

Her website includes a series of oral history interviews that she conducted in Poland.  The series of interviews is called: Discovering Testimonies Off the Beaten Path: Three Women in Galicia. It features accounts from three non-Jewish Poles about their recollections of Jewish life before and during the Holocaust. One of the women interviewed recalls how her mother tried to save the life of a Jewish man in the forest, to no avail.

interview with Franciszka Łukasz, September 7, 2018.

Discovering Testimonies Off the Beaten Path: Three Women in Galicia

» View entire article

In September 2018, on a trip to Dynów, my grandmother’s home town in Galicia, my Dynower pal, Jurek Warchoł told me about three people he knew who had stories to tell about the Jewish people they lived with before the war.

Jurek, a rare English speaking Polish Galitzianer who I met on my first trip to my ancestral home town of Dynów in 2013, was always on the lookout for people who were alive before the war started, who may have stories to tell about the Jewish people in their towns, communities who made up such a large portion of the population and were therefore so significant a part of the normal everyday life until the Nazis invaded.

Jurek, as a good friend, had adopted my mission to help me reconstruct what my grandmother’s life was like, and perhaps what her life would have been like if not for the pogroms and then the Holocaust. These reconstructions are what I paint and what I write about. I am a history-portrait painter.

In this particular trip in 2018, Jurek had lined up for me to talk to three women, from different places …
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Rzeszów TV coverage of Holocaust memory day in Dynów

International Holocaust Days of Memory in Rzeszów & Dynów, Podcarpackie region, Poland, We Used to Live Together – "Meeting with Nina Talbot"

January 27 - February 1, 2020

» See attached program


PUBLICATION: DOROT, The Journal of the Jewish Genealogical Society, Winter Ed. 2020, Family Trees of Galicia

» Read the article

Family Stories From Galicia, book, front cover.

EVENT: Book launch for Family Stories From Galicia at the Museum of Jewish Heritage, A Living Memorial to the Holocaust

Family Stories From Galicia, a presentation by Gallery Educator – Nina Talbot on her recent book, features interviews and stories of Talbot’s family, survivors and their descendants from Galicia, the historic area in southeastern Poland, which prior to World War I was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The book includes family trees, photographs, tombstone documentation from cemeteries in the US, Poland and Hungary, research material relating to ancestors and documentation of Talbot’s travelling painting exhibition in Poland related to her family research.

Family Stories From Galicia is a sequel to Talbot’s Faces of Dynów, which highlights her painting series with accompanied text. Both books will be available for purchase following the presentation.


Museum of Jewish Heritage - A Living Memorial to the Holocaust
Edmond J. Safra Plaza
36 Battery Place
New York, NY 10280


Presentation: Nina Talbot and Mark Rand present "Does Place Have Memory?" at the II International Conference, Jews In Galicia, Kraków, September 10-12, 2019

Our presentation will take place on September 12, 2019, 10:30 AM. Organizers: Institute of Jewish Studies, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Galicia Jewish Museum, Kraków, Jewish Community Centre JCC, Kraków, Department of Jewish History and Culture, Institute of History, University of Rzeszów in cooperation with Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv (Ukraine), Institute of History and Archival Studies, Pedagogical University of Kraków.

» View the full program

Faces of Dynow, book, front cover.

Book: FACES OF DYNÓW by Nina Talbot

(book available in English and Polish)

» Available on Amazon

Now Available at:
The Pickman Museum Shop
Museum of Jewish Heritage - A Living Memorial to the Holocaust
Edmond J. Safra Plaza
36 Battery Place
New York, NY 10280

Painter Nina Talbot's portraits and stories of family, friends and famous rabbis from her ancestral town of Dynów in the historical area of Galicia in Poland.

Dynów mural installation in the sanctuary of the Polish Jewry Heritage Center

Talbot's mural in the sanctuary of the center was based on paintings that were in one of the three synagogues in Dynów that was burned down by the Nazis on Rosh Hashanah, September 15th 1939 during the Nazi invasion. The mural was installed on the eastern wall of the sanctuary in September 1915.

Feature: Faces of Dynów paintings and historical panels were featured in the International Holocaust Days of Memory in Dynów, Podkarpackie region, Poland: “Trzy Kultury” (Three Cultures: Polish, Jewish and Ukrainian) Festival, January 26, 2018

» more information

» Rzeszów County News coverage of Trzy Kultury

During the 'Three Cultures; Polish, Jewish & Ukrainian' ceremony, high school students beautifully presented speeches and a music program on Friday. A highlight of the program was viewing the exhibition of paintings and historical panels entitled Faces of Dynów created by the painter Nina Talbot.

The paintings were inspired by Talbot's grandmother Bella Neger, who was from Dynów. The paintings depict the artist's ancestors as well as contemporary inhabitants of the town. The works are installed in the High School and can be viewed after the culture event by appointment.

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